Garden of Eden Kingdom Living, Inc.

All-Natural Food Processing Company =Promoting Healthy Eating &Healthy Living

                  Established Since 2014

MBE State Certified.

WBE State Certified.

         Our company vision

 Promoting healthy eating habits for all through self-discipline,   restoration and fasting  within the body of christ, and our   community...

 helping too reduce obesity...

 help reduce HEALTH issues...

 help increase long life...

Healthy Choice

                                Natural fasting, Natural Weight Loss...
                                         Natural Energy, Natural Preservative...
                                                  Natural Sugar/ NO SUGAR, Gluten Free...
                                                  NO SOY, NO DAIRY, 0 CAL

                                                  NO SALT


Our products are great for


We have been Feature on Fox 6 morning show

Thank you for your support!

      Look for our all natural sauces though out                                    State of Wisconsin 


  (Mequon, Bay view,  Brookfield, Delavan, Delafield,  Wauwatosa, -Oak creek-Madison, Milwaukee)

.                            wisconsin HANDMADE NATURAL PRODUCTS

         Vinaigrette Dressing, Dry Spices/Seasoning. Hot Sauces



After having dreams after dreams of running in a garden surround by fruit and vegetables, Garden of Eden Kingdom Living Inc, was born with the mission is to return to the Garden of Eden way of eating and living back in the Bible days when our food was in its purest and natural form. We blend only that which comes from God’s creation, allowing Mother Nature to work on our behalf. With a mixture and combination of an assortment of the freshest fruit and vegetable and produces which causes our drinks,  Dressing/Marinades, Dry Spices/Seasoning, and Hot Sauces, Syrups, Jams to flow with tons of Natural Energy, Natural Nutrition, Natural Vitamins, and Natural Nourishment. 

You can cook with our products, our Vinaigrette Dressing are more than dressing, you can marinated..

our company vision

Our Mission